Executive Director of the Marine Science Research Institute



Executive Director of the Marine Science Research Institute


Marine Science Research Institute

Position 报告 to

Dean of College of Arts & 科学

Effective Date



Full Time/Exempt


海洋科学研究所(MSRI)是一个校园社区 为本科生提供跨学科的学习、研究和服务机会 从事当地研究的研究生、教师和科学家, state, and national levels. The 32,000-square-foot LEED GOLD certified facility houses wet and dry labs, classrooms, offices, and an aquaculture compound. The nearby dock 科考船队提供了通往河流和沿海水域的通道. In addition to the faculty from the 部门s of Biology & Marine Science, Chemistry & Physics, and Sustainability, Geography,
and Environmental Planning, the St. 约翰河keeper and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation 委员会 are members and located at the MSRI. OCEARCH at Jacksonville 致力于研究大白鲨的全球非营利组织, 与MSRI以及杰克逊维尔市的资金密切合作 在佛罗里达州,OCEARCH将在梅波特拥有一个海洋实验室设施和码头, FL, a community located at the mouth of the St. 约翰河.

杰克逊维尔大学寻求一位有远见的领导者担任高级行政人员 Officer for the MSRI. The successful candidate will work to collaborate and support faculty 和学生. The following is a list of opportunities for the new Executive 导演:

  • 与学院和大学领导合作,支持学生的工作 和老师.
  • 协调大学与海洋研究中心之间的工作,以扩大全球网络赌博平台的伙伴关系 通过在JU Mayport新址的合作和增加实习机会 across the University.
  • 增加研究所的资金,以支持全球网络赌博平台的学生和教师的研究,通过 philanthropic opportunities and grant acquisition.
  • 与其他组织建立衔接协议,以促进进一步的合作 within the city, state, and national levels.
  • 继续建立和参与MSRI顾问委员会,成为工作的冠军 the institute by assisting in fund raising and networking.
  • 与学院和大学合作,领导战略规划过程 for the institute.
  • Build upon the already strong community connections of the institute. 通过了 this visibility that we can secure city 和国家 funding.
  • 继续与公共政策研究所密切合作,建立关系 with the newly formed STEAM Institute 在居.

Supervisory Responsibilities


  • MSRI Assistant Director.
  • Executive Assistant.
  • 佛罗里达鱼类和野生动物保护中心的工作人员极少监督.
  • 委员会.


  • 以各种身份与MSRI建立新的和维持现有的关系.
  • 在校内和校外活动中推广和代表JU和MSRI.
  • 与MSRI教师,大学领导和办公室密切合作 的研究和赞助计划,以确定拨款机会和领导的努力 对提案提交和行政处理的成功授予 and implementation of grant funding.
  • 与助理所长密切合作,支持研究所的运作 and marine science program.
  • 与生物学系主任助理密切合作 以及海洋科学和招生,以制定愿景和营销方向 the marine science program.
  • 与院长和大学发展合作,开发资金机会 and build philanthropic relationships.
  • 监督MSRI顾问委员会,包括计划和执行会议,保持 他们被告知在MSRI发生的事情,并与大学发展协调 董事会的慈善捐赠和新董事会成员的招聘.
  • 参与MSRI顾问委员会与学生和教师互动和发展 them as story-tellers for the institute.
  • 鼓励和支持MSRI顾问委员会招募合作者,慈善 donors, and potential internship opportunities for students.
  • 与msri相关的教师,顾问委员会和其他利益相关者密切合作 in developing an updated Strategic Plan for the Institute.
  • 与助理总监合作,监督MSRI的实际空间 监督维护需求,确保学生空间的最佳使用 faculty research and education at the forefront of decision making.
  • 为教职员工建立和维护温馨友好的工作环境。 和学生.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Required Skills/Abilities

  • Visionary Leader who can collaborate and support MSRI stakeholders.
  • 有良好的资金筹集记录(赠款、慈善、市/州政府).
  • 能够与学校和城市内的实体合作 和国家.
  • 成功的候选人将能够从多个角度看待问题.
  • Oversight, collaboration, and management of an advisory board.
  • 经验 working with and within capital projects/campaigns.
  • 经验 managing medium sized gift and operating budgets.
  • Evidence of supporting DEI-B activities. 

Education, Certificates, Licenses, & 经验

  • 研究生 degree (masters or doctorate). While faculty status is not required for this 合适的申请人将考虑职位、教员任命和级别.
  • 有筹款、董事会管理和活动策划经验.
  • 经验 in leadership roles involving different stakeholders.
  • 能够在大学内部和外部合作伙伴之间建立合作关系. 

Physical Requirements

  • Standard office hours are 8:30 a.m. 至下午5时.m.
  • 主要在室内工作,但需要定期在城市内出差,进行研究 vessels, and occasional air travel.
  • 典型的与办公室有关的噪音,如电话和复印机,可能会出现.
  • Must be willing to work evenings and weekends as needed.
  • Must be able to bend, stoop, and reach.
  • 灵巧的手能有效地操作电脑键盘和其他商业机器.
  • 近视力足以阅读书面通讯和电脑显示屏幕.
  • Adequate hearing to communicate effectively in person and by phone.


这不是所有责任、职责和/或所需技能的详尽清单 for this position. The University reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet organizational needs.


如欲申请,请将以下文件提交给遴选委员会 email address: MSRIsearch@chcmarketplace.com. Review of applications will begin on January 31, 2024. 

  • A current curriculum vitae
  • 意向书,概述与所要求的技能/属性相匹配的相关经验 of the candidate
  • 一页单行距的海洋科学研究所愿景声明 它的
    与杰克逊维尔大学的其他地区以及更大的城市互动 of
    Jacksonville, FL
  • Three Letters of Recommendation, submitted separately 
  • 完成 JU 教师 application